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The Rise of the Crit Lacerate Druid in Diablo 4
Diablo 4 has seen significant updates since its release, including the addition of powerful unique items and new abilities with the Vessel of Hatred DLC. These changes have enabled the creation of Ultimate builds, buy Diablo 4 gold which have been well-received by players. One standout build is the Crit Lacerate Druid, renowned for its performance in the Pit.

Key Components of the Build
The Crit Lacerate Druid focuses on Lacerate as its primary damage ability, despite its long cooldown. To mitigate this, the build emphasizes reducing ultimate cooldowns and increasing critical strike damage. Essential components include the NaguXan Runeword, which guarantees critical strikes and overpower, and Flickerstep, which reduces the ultimate cooldown by evading through enemies.

Gameplay Strategy
To play this build effectively, players must maintain six companions from summon abilities and cast Lacerate on cooldown. While waiting for the ultimate to recharge, they should evade through enemy packs to trigger Flickerstep, using Blood Howl and Debilitating Roar for survivability.

Comparison to Other Builds
The Lacerate Druid excels in speed farming and Pit pushing due to its area of effect and ability to clear dense packs quicklyDiablo 4 gold. However, it may struggle against bosses compared to other builds.

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