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Darkmoon Faire in WoW Classic - Printable Version

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Darkmoon Faire in WoW Classic - flourishpr - 02-13-2025

The Darkmoon Faire is a monthly event in WoW Classic that offers players buffs, quests, epic gear, cosmetic items, pets, and mini-games. It is a celebration of the wondrous and mysterious found in Azeroth. The Faire alternates between Mulgore and Elwynn Forest, remaining for a week each month.

Schedule and Location

The Darkmoon Faire begins setting up on the first Friday of each month and becomes available on the following Monday. The Faire lasts for one week, and its location alternates between Mulgore and Elwynn Forest. Barkers will announce the Faire's arrival in Orgrimmar and Ironforge, but they cannot teleport players to the grounds. In  Wrath of the Lich King  version of  WoW Classic , the Darkmoon Faire appears in Elwynn Forest, Mulgore, and south of Shattrath. These locations rotate monthly.

Activities and Rewards

The Darkmoon Faire provides various activities and rewards in exchange for a special currency. Players can earn Darkmoon Faire Prize Tickets by completing repeatable profession item turn-in quests given by Faire NPCs. Turn-ins can reward from 1 to 20 tickets, along with reputation, though there are no relevant rewards associated with the reputation in WoW Classic.

Earning Tickets 
      Profession Quests:  Players can complete profession quests, which award 4 tickets apiece, once per character per Faire.
      Dungeon Artifacts:  Nine Darkmoon dungeon artifacts can be turned in for rewards, granting 5, 10, or 15 prize tickets apiece. Players can redeem one of each type per character per Faire, and these can often be purchased at the Auction House.
      Moonfang:  Players can kill Moonfang once per character per Faire to earn 10 tickets. Premade groups can be found using the group finder.
      Pet Battles:  Winning both pet battles rewards 15 tickets and can be done once per account per day.

To efficiently obtain the Orb of the Darkmoon or the Amulet of the Darkmoon, focusing on turning in Rituals of Strength and its follow-up quest is recommended, costing 480 Dense Grinding Stone. Alternatively, Evil Bat Eye and Glowing Scorpid Blood can be turned in at Yebb Neblegear and can be farmed in the Eastern Plaguelands and Silithus, respectively. If these items become too expensive, Armor Kits or Thorium Widgets can be turned in at Chronos or Rinling, respectively.


Players can use Darkmoon Faire Prize Tickets to purchase various prizes, including the Orb of the Darkmoon and the Amulet of the Darkmoon, which are best-in-slot gear for many classes.

For players looking to maximize their rewards from the Darkmoon Faire, strategic planning can be key. Some players invest in acquiring necessary materials by spending WoW Gold. In WoW Gold Classic, optimizing your gold usage is crucial, especially when considering purchasing dungeon artifacts or profession materials from the Auction House to quickly earn Darkmoon Prize Tickets. Efficient use of WoW Gold can significantly speed up the process of obtaining valuable prizes like the Orb of the Darkmoon or Amulet of the Darkmoon.

Beyond the direct rewards, the Darkmoon Faire presents an opportunity to generate WoW Classic Gold. Savvy players often farm materials or craft items specifically for the Faire's profession quests, selling them on the Auction House for a profit. This is especially true for materials needed for the Rituals of Strength quest. Keeping an eye on the market prices and understanding the demand can turn the Darkmoon Faire into a lucrative venture for those looking to bolster their WoW Gold Classic reserves.

Darkmoon Cards and Decks

Darkmoon Cards drop throughout the world, and collecting eight different cards of a type (Elementals, Portals, Warlords, and Beasts) allows players to assemble a deck. These decks can be traded for trinket gear pieces at Professor Thaddeus Paleo in the Darkmoon Faire. Cards numbered 2 to 8 drop from level 45 or higher Humanoid or Undead enemies, while the Ace card comes from specific enemies depending on the deck.

      Ace of Elementals:  Elemental Invasion bosses
      Ace of Portals:  Darkmaster Gandling in Scholomance
      Ace of Warlords:  King Gordok in Dire Maul
      Ace of Beasts:  The Beast in Upper Blackrock Spire

  Darkmoon Faire Trinket Effects 

| Deck          | Trinket                  | Purpose                                                                          |
| :------------- | :------------------------ | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Elementals Deck | Darkmoon Card: Maelstrom  | Decent to good DPS trinket for most melee characters.                          |
| Portals Deck    | Darkmoon Card: Twisting Nether | Can provide a second life, if you are lucky.                                  |
| Warlords Deck  | Darkmoon Card: Heroism    | Good for solo farming on melee characters.                                    |
| Beasts Deck    | Darkmoon Card: Blue Dragon | Similar to Mindtap Talisman for high Spirit Priests, worse otherwise.          |

The trinkets offer niche effects.

Quest Reset Issues

Some players have reported that Darkmoon Faire quests, including profession and dungeon item quests, do not reset as expected. This issue may be a bug or an unintended consequence of changes to the Faire's frequency.